Administration topics#

Once your Dell Data Analytics Engine, powered by Starburst Enterprise platform (SEP) cluster is deployed, the following sections contain the topics you need to configure and optimize your cluster.

Most configuration changes made in a YAML file for Helm Chart deployments, or in properties files for non-Helm deployments, require a cluster restart to apply the changes. Security-related files are an exception. Some security features and non-properties files are refreshed without restart, and can generally be configured with a refresh-period property that determines the interval between automatic refreshes.


We strongly suggest that you maintain a staging cluster for testing configuration changes to minimize downtime in your production environment.

Changes made through the web UI typically do not require a restart, including the following:

  • Web UI access control

  • Data products access control

  • Role-based access control for data sources

  • Login screen customizations

General configuration



Find more information about configuring and optimizing your cluster in the following documentation: